Wednesday, October 9, 2013

Day 9 - OctPoWriMo 2013: Twenty Years

Turning 70 makes one take a life review. This poem is a reflection on the last twenty years of my life.

Twenty Years

   by the waterfall 

                         of Life

In the wake

                                    of my 50th birthday season

Gushes of goodness

     Cascades of laughter

              Sprinklings of distress

 Swirls of sorrow

        Surges of creativity

Torrents of contentment

The flow and stream 

     of seeking



                                 Downpours of peace

                The life-force 

                             of love

                                      An entire flume of feelings 
                                                                                      each one treasured

 in hindsight.   

                   Eyes fixed on seventy.

Yosemite 2010