Thursday, October 26, 2017

Day 26 - OctPoWriMo: Meditation, First Foray

Image from Public Domain

Meditation, First Foray

Our mantras chosen at random from a basket
It was my first time at group meditation
I was one of a dozen invited to attend

The leader modeled the mood, set the tone
Her velvet voice urged finding our way to say
Our mantras chosen at random from a basket

The mantra I held was Shan-ti
Each recited their unique phrase or word
It was my first time at group meditation

Energy emanated from the circle
I felt a peace I’d been seeking for so long
I was one of a dozen invited to attend

Today's theme: A once and unruly mind

Suggested form: An invented form called Cascade. Each line of the first stanza is repeated as the last line of the successive three stanzas.